Week 41 - How to Live a Life That Bears Fruit That Will Last and Withstand the Tempests of

How do we bear good fruit in our lives—fruit that will last? First we have to want that in our life. Jesus stands at the door of our heart and asks to come in. He then puts the seed of faith in us to positively respond to His request, and asks God to fill us each day with His Spirit. As His Spirit abides in our hearts, it transforms us, and the fruit of His Spirit is borne in our lives. The Spirit, abiding in us, blesses us and those we interact with each day with that fruit. The Spirit also enables us to recognize the opportunities to do the good deeds God has planned in advance for us to do. Those deeds, big and small, that are done for others, are treasured in Jesus’ heart, and are storing treasure in heaven where it will remain forever, instead of on earth, where treasure will perish. We have then given God permission to fulfill His purpose for our life, allowing us to produce that fruit that will last. With the Spirit guiding our thoughts and behavior every day, our lives can withstand any adversity in this world. Anyone who lives a life like this has known what it means to live abundantly, and all we had to do was open the door to our heart when he knocked, and desired His Spirit to abide in us each day.

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